Hellooo everyoneee.
Lumi on alkanut sulaa inhottavaksi, märäksi mössöksi jossa ei tee mieli kuvata ollenkaan. Olisi vaan pitänyt hyödyntää ne muutamat kivat päivät silloin edellisen postauksen aikoihin. :c Kyllä nyt harmittaa.
No ei oikeastaan.
Kuvasin teille lapsosille pienen musashootin, jossa ei näin jälkikäteen katseltuna taida olla mitään järjen hiventäkään. :'D
No ei oikeastaan.
Kuvasin teille lapsosille pienen musashootin, jossa ei näin jälkikäteen katseltuna taida olla mitään järjen hiventäkään. :'D
Don't you worry child
There was a time I used to look into my father's eyes.
In a happy home I was a king, I had a golden throne.
But those days are gone, now the memories are on the wall. I hear the songs from the places where I was born.
Upon a hill across a blue lake, that's where I had my first heartbreak. I still remember how it all changed.
My father said: "Don't you worry, don't you worry child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now."
There was a time I met a guy of a different kind.
We ruled the world, I thought I'd never lose him out of sight.
We were so young, I think of him now and then.
I still hear the songs reminding me of a friend.
Upon a hill across a blue lake
that's where I had my first heartbreak.
I still remember how it all changed.
My father said:
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now.
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child, see heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
Moikka nwn
aww tosi söpö musashootti♥
VastaaPoistasä kyllä osaat tehdä aivan täydellisiä musashootteja!
Ihania kuvia!
VastaaPoistaÄwäwäwäwääähh tää shootti oli ihan täydellinen *3* rakastan tota kelkkaa ja toi nalle ja kukka seppele ♥ molemmat tyttöset on kanssa niin kauniita :3 ♥ ja musiikki sopi tähän hyvinn!!! :D
VastaaPoistaOih, tosi ihana shootti o3o
VastaaPoistaAwww, tämä shootti on vaan niin täydellinen ! <3
VastaaPoistaMistä seppele muuten on ?